Webpage construction in WordPress by Maria Juusu, Inhoud (in EST)

Prototron Maria Juusu
According to a recent research, WordPress powers 43% of all websites on the internet. WordPress has grown so much popularity because of it is easy to use and flexible enough to make different types of websites. Despite being the most flexible and powerful platform, WordPress is quite easy to use for beginners.

Moreover, WordPress is free software: you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website.

Find more from the full workshop, check the Prototron YouTube channel here.

Marketing in social media: do you have a plan?

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Marko Saue, a guru of marketing in social media from GOAL, gave our teams a great overview of how, why, when and most important – to whom to speak in social media.

The most important thing is strategy. You have to have a plan, what are You doing on social media. If You don´t have it, it is all headache every single day.

Here´s a 7-step guide to success:

  1. Take time to define a strategy.
  2. Figure out the format you plan on using.
  3. Think about the content types that will appeal to your audience. Do your research. Brainstorm ideas. Create.
  4. Share your content across the key content distribution / social platforms.
  5. Track the key metrics, and map these to your goals.
  6. Be aware of the main sharing triggers. Be sure to work on emotions!
  7. Always double-check your work.

Be funny, smart, controversial, moving, sexy, shocking, cool – you have to stand out from your competitors, you have to move people.

Now, that you know that, conquer the world.

Before that, it might be a good idea to check Marko´s webinar one more time.

Marko Saue presentation

A brand is more than a logo

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In his webinar, Prototron’s marketing manager Argo Kubja gave a practical list of actions to analyze your brand. Take this test, answer the questions below in writing. Don’t worry about wording, grammar, etc. We won’t let anyone rate your answers. Let your creativity fly and get worthwhile material to analyze your idea.

Choose one brand that you love. Now write down what exactly you love about it? Write whatever comes to your mind. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small. This will help you define what you consider important.

Now let´s jump to your company. The brand should represent you, your values, and of course the service or product you offer.

Why are you creating your own brand? Okay, you want to make money. Or do you? Is money your main goal? Maybe you are realizing a long-term dream. Why do you do what you do? I’m already excited.

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the story you tell” – Seth Godin

You are creating this brand for… who? Yes, one answer is that for yourself, but think about your customers here. What problem are you solving? What values do you represent? With what values could a person become a fan of your brand?

What exactly do you offer? The product or service should be presented in two sentences. Honestly, most people don’t bother to read more. If you’ve read this article so far, take off your hat. You are one of the few.

What unique value do you bring to your customers? You may also have heard the acronym USP. If not, google it.

Make sure your sales texts are right in front of your eyes. No, we’re not talking about SEO or targeted social media posts, we are talking about creating a customer’s profile.

Define your customer – How old is he? Let’s call him Juss. Where does Juss live, what does he do, how much free money does he have? For example, I sell milk. My client could at least tolerate lactose. Ideally, my client will not experience severe abdominal pain when consuming my product. Now make a more detailed and better customer definition with your product/service.

Understand his preferences – What values influence his consumption decisions? Example: I tried, really hard, but vegetarians didn’t start drinking my cow’s milk. I had to review my client’s preferences.

Assume his needs and expectations – What is missing from his life? What does Juss want from life? What are his expectations regarding your service/product? Example: My customers expected me to pack milk, but I sprayed them with cow dung. I learned that milk should still be packaged in some way.

Choose the right channels and messages to reach your customer – List the available channels, use customer data and analyze whether you are using the right channels to reach your target audience. All channels can, but do not have to be sales channels. Marketing channels must lead to sales channels. Complete the profile. A common mistake is that the profile is half full.

The important thing number two: Contacts must be visible because people don’t even bother to look for them. That is a fact!

And we got to the end. You probably have several pages of exciting material written down about communication, marketing, and sales. Good! You can always look at the webinar again.