Boost your idea with up to 35 000 euro financing

Deadline is coming closer:
Teams supported
1 353 000 €
Given for prototypes
85 000 000 €
Raised by alumni teams

slider 2 Prototron Kaarel Metssalu 3
Tähtaeg läheneb:
Teams supported
1 353 000 €
Given for prototypes
85 000 000 €
Raised by alumni teams

Up to 35 000€ equity free funding and mentoring. We help you create a functional prototype and start a successful business!

Support for ideas with potential

Prototron was created to help turn smart and innovative ideas into tangible prototypes to grow into major businesses!

A versatile prize

Equally important to the 35 000€ funding is the mentoring, trainings and useful contacts made during the Prototron program.

Anyone can participate

Applicants may be individuals as well as businesses with ideas from all the technical verticals.

Prototron round timeline


Get Ready! Go to the Prototron Academy to get acquainted with startup development materials and prepare for a successful application.

Think through your idea, read our tips.

Selected teams participate in intensive acceleration program covering financing, intellectual property, prototyping, communication and sales. Teams get mentoring sessions with field experts and investors. Following with Pitch-training and innvest-readiness program.


Final presentation to the Prototron’s Expert Committee, which will decide the winners.


Winner takes it all: up to 35 000€ equity-free funding for prototyping, and special prizes from Prototron partners.

Prototron round fund is backed by Swedbank Estonia, TalTech, Tallinn Science park Tehnopol and the city of Tallinn – up to 75 000€ in total!

Prototron Alumni

lingvist s1
Name of the team: Lingvist
Grant from Prototron: 9,900 eur
Year of investment: 2013

Lingvist is the first language-learning tool to harness the potential of technology and computational science to decrease learning time significantly and help you learn effectively.

Ilus bike op
Name of the team: ILUS Bike
Grant from Prototron: 35,o00 eur
Year of investment: 2024

ILUS Bike is developing a simple modular electric bike for rental services

sciflux op
Name of the team: Sciflux
Grant from Prototron: 15,o00 eur
Year of investment: 2024

Sciflux will produce blood test-based Alzheimer's disease prevention technology

audiocat op
Name of the team: AudioCat
Grant from Prototron: 15,o00 eur
Year of investment: 2024

AudioCat produces smart games for the visually impaired people.

traynme op
Name of the team: TraynMe
Grant from Prototron: 10,o00 eur
Year of investment: 2024

TraynMe provides efficient computing power for rendering 3D and video media over the network.

Global Reader
Name of the team: GlobalReader
Grant from Prototron: 5,600 eur
Year of investment: 2015

GlobalReader provides real-time monitoring of manufacturing machines helping to boost productivity of critical equipment and reduces downtime.

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