Marketing in social media: do you have a plan?

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Marko Saue, a guru of marketing in social media from GOAL, gave our teams a great overview of how, why, when and most important – to whom to speak in social media.

The most important thing is strategy. You have to have a plan, what are You doing on social media. If You don´t have it, it is all headache every single day.

Here´s a 7-step guide to success:

  1. Take time to define a strategy.
  2. Figure out the format you plan on using.
  3. Think about the content types that will appeal to your audience. Do your research. Brainstorm ideas. Create.
  4. Share your content across the key content distribution / social platforms.
  5. Track the key metrics, and map these to your goals.
  6. Be aware of the main sharing triggers. Be sure to work on emotions!
  7. Always double-check your work.

Be funny, smart, controversial, moving, sexy, shocking, cool – you have to stand out from your competitors, you have to move people.

Now, that you know that, conquer the world.

Before that, it might be a good idea to check Marko´s webinar one more time.

Marko Saue presentation