Solaride drives at top speed even before the car is ready

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Solaride is a good success story. A couple of beginner students had an idea to build a car that runs on real solar power. Today, the Solaride team includes 70 active students from various Estonian universities, it has participated (and won) in several well-known competitions and involved both state and private investors’ money.

They have sat on the couch of Ringvaade and Anu Välba’s talk show, not to mention countless other performances. Although the race, where the solar car had to be performed for the first time, was postponed, the spirit of the team has not been broken and the desire to carry the project is growing.

Here are some important facts about Solaride that you probably didn’t know. If you knew, let those who did not know, discover the secrets.

  1. The energy consumption of the car depends on several factors: speed, road terrain, wind direction and speed, acceleration, air density etc. Solaride is developing a solar car, so it adds the factor of how much sunny weather there is so that the car can produce energy. The goal is to make a model that can be driven as fast as possible, which would cost as little as possible and produce enough.
  2. In Solaride, the work is divided between different teams. Software, mechanics, electronics teams are separate. In addition to the marketing, HR, partnership, and logistics team. There are meetings every week where all the teams talk about where they have come with their stuff. Close and smooth communication between different teams is crucial.
  3. In Hooandja Solaride made a bit of a history when it reached the third result of the platform’s entire life: 413 supporters and 21,850 euros gathered. Solaride left Prototron with 10,000 euros. In March, the state decided to support the project with 180,000 euros. In addition, several sponsors have contributed to the completion of the car, and as a result of the joint contribution of all parties, the car will be completed.
  4. The Bridgestone World Solar Challange W (WSC), which was to take place in Australia in October, has been won by the Dutch team for the last 4 years. They did not plan to participate this year because they are now building a car for commercial use.
  5. “If you have an idea that could work, it is very important to validate it with different people – friends/relatives, what do they think of it. In the next round involve experts and other people working in the same field or developing a similar idea. If the feedback is positive from everyone, then it is worth moving on with your idea before someone else does it, ”recommends Kaarel Vesilind from Solaride’s software team.

You can read more about Solaride’s activities and keep an eye on them.