How to find product-market fit by mentor Viesturs Sosars, TechHub Riga

Prototron Product market fit by Viesturs Sosars
The main thing for a Startup is to find a working business model before running out of cash. The secret key to success is to find product-market fit. Here are some tips to follow.

Step 1

Make your assumptions (hypotheses) about:
– Customers
– Their contexts and needs (possible problems)
– Key expected value propositions of the solution (your product)
– (Minimum) necessary functionalities of the product
– Revenue (monetization) model(s) of the product

Step 2

Test and validate your Market assumptions:
– Customers
– Their contexts and needs (possible problems)
– Key expected value propositions of the solution (your product)

Find more from the full workshop, check the Prototron YouTube channel here.