Selected teams participate in intensive acceleration program covering financing, intellectual property, prototyping, communication and sales. Teams get mentoring sessions with field experts and investors. Following with Pitch-training and innvest-readiness program.
Prototron Alumni
Grant from Prototron: 10,000€
Year: 2024
A smart charging station solution for micro-mobility devices, enabling property owners to generate new revenue streams while meeting growing public demand.

Grant from Prototron: 10,000€
Year: 2024
A smart flag-raising system for patriotic and smart home enthusiasts, integrating seamlessly into smart home ecosystems.

Grant from Prototron: 20,000€
Year: 2024
A biomedical device using low-intensity vibrations to address breastfeeding challenges, prolonging breastfeeding duration and reducing complications.
Grant from Prototron: 35,000€
Year: 2024
An automated EEG monitoring system that helps medical professionals make critical decisions in intensive care units.
Ilus Bike
Grant from Prototron: € 35,000
Year: 2024
ILUS Bike team is developing a simple modular electric bike for rental services
Grant from Prototron: € 15,000
Year: 2024
Sciflux team will begin production of a blood-test based technology to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Grant from Prototron: € 15,000
Year: 2024
Audiocat team creating smart games for the visually impaired.
Grant from Prototron: €10,000
Year: 2024
Traynme offers efficient computing power over the network for 3D and video media rendering.

KIUD Packaging
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2022
Repurpose textile waste into novel, eco-friendly packaging material that provides a viable and earth-conscious alternative to conventional cardboard.
Funky Food
Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2022
Air Care
Grant from Prototron: € 25,000.00
Year: 2022

Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2021
Wastelocket is using artificial intelligence to develop a waste quality control solution that detects contamination in public waste containers to reduce sorting and logistics costs for waste haulers.
Menken Trials
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2021
A platform to facilitate the documentation of clinical trials of medicines
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2021
ESPEN simplifies navigation at sea using AR technology, which sets the base course and takes into account other ships and obstacles at sea.
Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2021
Filaret collects and processes toxic smokestacks into an environmentally friendly compostable 3D printing material, or filament - thus reducing waste in an innovative way
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2021
Data management system to ensure safety on construction sites and help prevent accidents related to collapse of structures due to lack of control of temporary support systems
Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2021
A robot offering strawberry picking service
Grant from Prototron: € 30,000.00
Year: 2021
a device for electrical networks that helps to switch consumer loads between phases without interruption so that the loads are always equally distributed between phases and, as a result, make it possible to use existing electrical networks up to three times more efficiently.
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2020
Parcelsea is developing a smart mailbox that allows private consumers to use parcel and food courier services contact-free and communication-free and in every way more convenient than today.
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2020
An application for electric cars that predicts the energy consumption of the vehicle to reach the destination.

Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2020
Develops a tool for early detection of dementia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Grant from Prototron: € 15,000.00
Year: 2020
It is the world's first environmentally friendly technology, which cleans the water surface of oil and microplastics without causing damage and thereby helps to preserve deep-water wildlife.

Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2020
A microchip that can be used by food manufacturers, pharmacists, cosmetic companies and others. test your products more accurately, efficiently and safely.
Soft robotic cervix
Grant from Prototron: € 12,000.00
Year: 2020
A dynamic robot depicting the opening of the cervix allows the simulation training of midwives to be brought to a new level.

Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2020
Raiku offers a good alternative to bubble wrap. The packaging created is biodegradable and is produced from wood industry waste.
Grant from Prototron: € 20,000.00
Year: 2020
A small-scale gravity simulator that can perform initial studies based on studies from several different instruments.
Milo Appliances
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2020
so-called smart kitchen surface with a magnetic motor. Instead of having several separate devices in each kitchen, such as a blender, food processor, mixer, etc., there is one smart worktop and compatible containers.

Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2020
An analytics solution for solar parks that gathers and analyzes the information of parks set up by different manufacturers, so that the benefit from it is maximized.
Grant from Prototron:
Alarm button based on the new generation, NB-IoT (narrow band internet of things), which sends an SOS call to the cloud system. This helps to find a person in distress at sea much faster and better, because with the help of the cloud system, the positioning of the alarm signal is much more accurate than before.

Grant from Prototron: € 25,000.00
Year: 2019
A robot that can mark and mark pavements at the same time. To this day, this is a process that requires significant human and time resources, which could easily be done by a robot.

Grant from Prototron: € 8,106
Year: 2014
BlindSense targets blind people along with educational institutes and blind organizations to enhance the blind people' life in different fields.

Grant from Prototron: € 15,000.00
Year: 2019
KrattWorks combines a mobile communication module, autopilot, machine vision and artificial intelligence.
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2017
Eziil BOM software helps your engineers prepare production technology faster and easier. No spreadsheets, no hassle!
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2017
Fusebox integrates consumers and energy systems to enable better integration of renewables and reduce CO2. Therefore our customers contribute to greener society and earn revenue without interrupting their core business.
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2017
FoodDocs helps you create and manage a food safety system for any food company.

Grant from Prototron: € 50,000.00
Year: 2017
Prototyped patent pending sensor allows continuous measurements of currents with significantly reduced price making it affordable for virtually every small port.
Grant from Prototron: € 9,000.00
Year: 2017
Device allows both consumer and professional grade cameras to be in sync no matter where they are situated. Timecode pen is fully automated and will never need manual setup.
Grant from Prototron: € 9,960.00
Year: 2017
A modern & efficient way for patients who need regular monitoring to communicate with their clinics
Noise Machine (Fusion Pedal)
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2017
FusionPedal is building guitar pedals which offer simple ways to save, recall and share sounds using IoT and cloud possibilities.
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2017
Lightweight inflatable splints help first responders immobilise bone and soft tissue injuries in extreme emergency settings.
Transformative AI
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2017
CardioAI predicts SCA and enables life-saving intervention

Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2016
Improve the efficiency of your solar panels! Catch the sun Sphebotics Viga from any surface - from the roof of a lighthouse, from the hills of a country house, or from the surface of the water.

Tark Energia
Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2016
Tark Energia develops smart radiators that work on the residual heat of the computer to enable private individuals and companies using electric heating to save money on heating due to the profit obtained from the work done by the computer.

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2016
Helps those learning to ride a snowboard thanks to smart clothing, in which the sensors located give the user real-time feedback about his posture.

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2016
Hairvel develops and manufactures biotechnology-based hair care components that help hair care manufacturers make end-consumer products more environmentally and human-friendly and more effective

Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2016
Gelatex Technologies is developing gelatin-based leather-like textiles to enable major fashion and furniture brands to use eco-materials while also making a profit using technology that is affordable, easily scalable and patentable.
Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2016
Covisual develops communication software for engineers and site managers, which allows working remotely on construction drawings in real time and exchanging information in a way where users' movements and actions in the drawing can be directly observed by everyone, thereby reducing communication time and avoiding errors.

Grant from Prototron: € 10,000.00
Year: 2016
Creatomus solution enables buyers to find and cut designs of their future homes in an attractive and manner. Can be used by property developers, house manufactures and architects to promote their flexible and modular house types online.

Grant from Prototron: € 4,460.00
Year: 2016
A floor heating thermostat that takes into account the real-time electricity exchange price when heating the home

Grant from Prototron: € 6,000.00
Year: 2016
Bikeep smart bicycle parking uses high-strength steel and smart technology to lock your bike and also charge your e-bike.
Grant from Prototron: € 30,800.00
Year: 2016
Nickel-based Catalyst for Methane Steam Reforming and Carbon Dioxide Methanation
AC-grid Integrated
Grant from Prototron: € 35,000.00
Year: 2016
Design of battery measurement board and algorithms to provide accurate state of charge characterization of LFP battery.
Grant from Prototron: € 19,550.00
Year: 2016
Unique substrate to get the control over behavior of virions and biomolecules via a unique substrate.

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2016
Shipitwise is a shipping platform for small businesses and individuals that simplifies the entire shipping process for customers, from packing to delivery.

Hepta Group Energy
Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2016
Automated airborne inspection of electricity infrastructure

Full Profile
Grant from Prototron: € 2,300.00
Year: 2016
Full Profile is Sherlock Holmes for marketers, providing customer research that is conducted without asking the customer.

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2016
Genosity creates a gene study device so that school students can study their own genes in biology class.

Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2016
Saunum Group develops a fully automatic healthy sauna complex in order to offer sauna owners and health-conscious people a more comfortable and pleasant sauna session.

Grant from Prototron: € 2,850.00
Year: 2016
The innovative extruder system offers customers the opportunity to recycle old plastic, producing 3D printable material faster and more conveniently than ever before.

Grant from Prototron: € 5,000.00
Year: 2015
Customer experience analysis and prioritization tool for large service companies

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2015
Sympower manages the consumption of home appliances to help balance the power system.

Grant from Prototron: € 8,000.00
Year: 2015
Mobile controllable wall printer for spray cans
Grant from Prototron: € 15,000.00
Year: 2015
An electrospinning device for gathering polymeric nanofibers into threads that can be used, e.g. as energy stores, sensor materials, filter materials, in biomedicine, etc.

Drug Hunter
Grant from Prototron: € 23,000.00
Year: 2017
The UniveR DID2 is an evidentiary portable drug tester (2-3 kg) for use at the scene.

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2015
Creates hardware that helps filmmakers get very sharp images more efficiently than ever before.

Grant from Prototron: € 5,600.00
Year: 2015
Easiest and most cost effective solution for manufacturing performance analysis

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2015
Develops a digital learning experience that helps the education system become individual-oriented and produce more intelligent people for society.

Grant from Prototron: € 5,400.00
Year: 2015
Creates the first global network of radio earth stations that provides continuous data communication with nanosatellites in Earth orbit, making previously expensive satellites more widely available.

Smart Load Solutions
Grant from Prototron: € 8,500.00
Year: 2014
A smart power grid device for better planning of the work of factories and power plants.

Grant from Prototron: € 9,000.00
Year: 2014
Heart rate belt for vehicles. As a prototype, a smart device is built that is suitable for all vehicles and combines different technologies (GPS, OBDII, IMU, etc. sensors) for accurate real-time monitoring of the vehicle's movement.

Grant from Prototron: € 50,000.00
Year: 2014
ULTRINIA offers customized scaffolds with very high anisotropy (~1000000:1) in substrate nanofiber size, stiffness, hydrophilicity and orientation.
Organic Filters
Grant from Prototron: € 8,463.00
Year: 2013
Algae-based air purifier

Grant from Prototron: € 1,380.04
Year: 2013
Heelosophy creates perfectly fitting insoles that support feet in exactly the right places, based on podiatric principles.
Grant from Prototron: € 8,500.00
Year: 2013
Add-on module for surgery software that allows surgeons to perform precise operations through real-time positioning of surgical instruments.

Bit by Bit
Grant from Prototron: € 8,300.00
Year: 2013
Tablet-based puzzle game that introduces the mindset of programming to kids
Grant from Prototron: € 35,000.00
Year: 2013
A medical device for monitoring tissue recovery during and after surgery.
CP Welding
Grant from Prototron: € 11,260.00
Year: 2013
Prototype of hand welding machine using parallel and series resonance AC converter.
Grant from Prototron: € 32,500.00
Year: 2013
Small-scale test production of airgel from oil shale production residues to determine the suitability for large-scale production of technology based on patent EE05510B1

Grant from Prototron: € 7,000.00
Year: 2012
An entertainment, navigation, electronics and setting system for cars that replaces today's car control panels.

Flydog Marine
Grant from Prototron: € 11,242.00
Year: 2012
A marine monitoring system and buoy that can automatically acquire data from the marine environment.
Grant from Prototron: € 9,560.00
Year: 2012
3D printing software based on cloud technology, which allows a company to plan, order and execute 3D printing jobs

Grant from Prototron: € 3,100.00
Year: 2012
A portable and smartphone-interactive billboard that helps people avoid annoying queues.

Grant from Prototron: € 11,640.00
Year: 2012
A wind measuring device that can be connected to the audio interface of a smartphone, which helps to get accurate weather information.

Grant from Prototron: 10534
Year: 2012
Battery control and tracking platform for light electric vehicles

Grant from Prototron: 9,900 eur
Year: 2013
Lingvist is the first language-learning tool to harness the potential of technology and computational science to decrease learning time significantly and help you learn effectively.