PurOcean – sustainability through innovation

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PurOcean is a technology that removes 98% of seabed pollution through our patented method, “Deep Water Rehabilitation.” The idea came from scientists at National Research Tomsk State University. The team applied to Prototron and received 15,000 euros to develop the idea.

„Studies show that 60% of chemical spill-offs and oil leaks sink directly into seabeds and riverbeds, causing long-lasting damage to the environment. Traditional ocean cleanup systems can cause extensive and irretrievable damage to the ecosystem of flora and fauna as a result of excavation processes and chemical treatments. We refuse to sustain approaches that harm the environment. Instead, we stand for sustainability through innovation,“ explained Alona Stepanova, founder of the team.

So, how does Deep Water Rehabilitation work?

„Our proprietary technology pumps oxygen in the form of bubbles to the lowest depths of the ocean, where they naturally adhere to any chemical pollutants in the environment. Once the chemicals lock in, the force of buoyancy pulls the pollution up to the surface. From there, we collect, process, and transform toxic waste into purified water, filtering the pollution out with special tanks,“ she says.

Today’s prototype can clean water at a depth of approximately 12 meters and is to be used in lakes. The next prototype should be able to clean oceans as well. „We need 2-3 months to develop the next version. So we are looking for additional funding because the Prototron grant does not cover all the expenses,“ Alona says.

The market for this kind of technology is big, there are lots of seas, oceans, and reserves that are polluted and the oil industry is not giving signs of reduction.

Gains from Prototron?

„All of it was great! Unfortunately on the web, but still. This process gave us lots of energy. And to be honest – our team got very good comments and constructive questions, how to proceed. Not only the idea but also funding is important. How to sell it to the investors, and explain, when they will get their money back. We had to improve this area and Prototron mentors really helped. Another valuable thing is contacts. Prototron is not all about money, it´s mentors, how you present your idea,“ Alona says.

If You believe in Your idea, You have validated the idea, there is a need for this kind of solution – You should apply it to Prototron!